
Christian Youth In Action!

Christian Youth In Action!

Being a part of Christian Youth In Action (CYIA) last summer taught me so much! I am so grateful for all I learned and experienced at camp and during the 5-day clubs. At first I was hesitant about doing CYIA, because I knew it would push me out of my comfort zone, but I felt God was calling me to step out and trust Him to be my strength. I am so thankful for CYIA as I now have the tools to feel confident in sharing my faith. In addition, while preparing to teach the lessons for the 5-day clubs, I gained a deeper understanding of the Gospel myself. I learned about leadership, teamwork, and engaging with kids during my time with CYIA. God also graciously provided me with several new friends at the CYIA camp who encouraged and helped me as I was stepping out of my comfort zone to reach kids with the Gospel. Although putting on 5-day clubs takes a lot of  time, practice, effort, and teamwork; being plugged into God’s mission and knowing you are planting seeds of truth in the lives of children is worth everything. Watching kids respond to the Gospel and decide to follow Jesus is precious, humbling, and inspiring. The 5-day clubs showed me the importance of knowing and sharing Christ with others because He has the power to transform lives. Lastly, I appreciate the staff and leaders of CYIA  as they were constantly pointing us to Christ. They prayed for us and the kids we were ministering to and always led with Biblical truth. I cannot express how thankful I am for CYIA and the staff’s dedication to giving youth a concrete, effective way to reach kid’s with the Gospel of Christ.